Monday, February 17, 2014

IF ANYONE GOT THIS WE ARE DEAD YOU HEAR ME!?!?!? DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay thank you bye, sign this and receive a free $50 on the next day for $50

Friday, November 29, 2013


Ugh. We need to do more things in our club and on our pages instead of posting extremely disturbing images of a shit ton of Boku no Pico like Alan keeps freaking doing. SO suggestions would be great on what to post on our pages and what we should do during club meetings. Although keep in mind that during the Friday lunch meeting we're limited to a 30 minute time schedule and thus we cannot really do anything more than Anime unless we formulate a highly organized and operated well conversation/discussion. Hell we could even go on a full on debate about weather Shimapan or Garter Belts are better. I really don't care, I just need some suggestions here and there. Don't be afraid to speak up. POST AND VOTE PLEASE. Any suggestions on anything please direct towards Tristan Dunois on Facebook or loopmail Tristan Pongrujaporn. Either is fine. Image totally unrelated. ~Buchou

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Bored, so here's to Angel Beats!
We're watching Episode 9 this Friday! So make sure you keep up if you want to follow along (of course you don't have to)

Also if you didn't know already, we have after school meetings on Thursdays in Ms. McCombs room of 1209.

Now さようなら

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

This little birdy said

Congratulations Gokou Ruri - ISML Champion

This year's ISML Champion is Gokou Ruri AKA Kuroneko (Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai). Going head to head against last year's Champion, Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!), Kuroneko had tough competition. In the end, Kuroneko won by an astonishing 1109 votes! Kanade's 7234 lost to Kuroneko's 8343. Congrats!

Personally I am really pleased out how this year's ISML turned out. I had hoped for Aragaki Ayase (OreImo), but when I saw that Kuroneko was leading with the most wins in her division, I was very excited that another OreImo girl was making it to the top. Kanade did well, winning almost all of her matches in her division, but at the end, Kuroneko came out on top.

Overall, a very good year, and I look forward to next year!

Check out ISML site for information on voting and community

Monday, October 7, 2013

Upcoming Anime

Hi guys, This page will be dedicated to upcoming anime from any point in time from here on, we will be updating whenever we get new info :D. Just FYI these anime will NOT be in chronological order!

 1. Golden Time (October 4 2013)

  I have not yet watched this new anime yet, but I have read the  manga! The basic outline of the story is about an amnesiac named Tada Banri, who is a first year in university. He meets many new friends, and develops a love interest along the way. While this manga had it's funny points, there are times where there are serious if not deep issue that come up to keep things interesting. Highly recommended for all you otakus who love romantic comedies!

2. Magi: The Kingdom of Magic Season II (October 6 2013)

 The manga for this anime in my opinion was FAB~~~ It's about a young boy named Aladdin, who is a Magi, basically a mage who is a chooser of kings. By chooser of kings meaning helping heroes conquer dungeons that appear due to a certain magi who creates them.  Magi are like mages, but far above them in terms of ability to use magoi (mana?) compared to others. There are only ever three Magi at any one point in time. Anyway, Aladdin helps this guy named Alibaba who is a prince in disguise to conquer a Dungeon, receiving a Djinn. The two travel far across the world, meeting new friends, enemies, evil occult groups, and many more. A very good anime for anyone who is interested in magic and adventure! :D

3. Tokyo Ravens (October 9 2013)

 I have also read the manga for this anime, and I really enjoy yokai and spirit anime, and this one got a big thumbs up! Tsuchimikado Harutora is your typical high school guy, but he was descended of a prestigious onmyo family, him being a branch of the head family. One day, his cousin Tsuchimikado Natsume, heir to the head family, appears and lectures him about being more responsible as a bearer of the Tsuchimikado name. Due to certain circumstances (no spoilers xD), Harutora becomes Natsume's familiar. Together they attend the prestigious Head Onmyo School. Together they try to survive demon onslaughts, creepy teachers, and temperamental classmates. Highly recommended for people who like magic and comedy! :D

~ Commander Cookie (C.C.)